Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year..New Stuff!

I decided today that I need to blog more. :)
That being said, here's what I've been up to in the photography end of things. :)
I have discovered a FABULOUS company that makes backdrops!
Now, we're not just talking flat black, white or those elementary school portrait backdrops.
These are like..."you're really standing in front of a brick wall, except that it's a vinyl backdrop" backdrops. :)
Here's an example:

See that fantastic floor that looks like a real wood floor?
It's VINYL!!
And they have some amazing pressed tin patterns and all kinds of other ones too!
The company is PhotoProp Backdrops-Floors.
They're an online only company and you can find them on Facebook.
I am SO excited to be adding a few of these to my collection,
and I love that I can do this with my fabulous friend Randi from Rafter ST Photography (check her out on FB too!) :)
Stayed tuned for more details! :)
P.S. Didn't get your Christmas photos done? Why not some New Years ones!
There's still snow on the ground and it's beautiful outside, we could have tons of fun, and you could have some great family photos... :)

xo Jenn